With the war against the Pan-Pacific Empire far from over, the Emperor set several of His geno-regiments to the annexation of Kentral Amerik. It had largely been ignored until the VIth Legion's victory at Magellos, which opened up the neighbouring lands to the Imperial advance. This was a swathe of rainforest, rad-scarred but still densely populated. The earliest known records of the XIII th Legion date back to the days of the Unification Wars in Kentral Amerik. They wore the gold of freedom, an honour given to them by the Emperor Himself." - Excerpt taken from the personal journals of Arion the Doubted, Remembrancer of the XIII th Legion New recruits.The Thirteenth had played a huge role in the Unification era, even their Thunder Warrior ancestors had been amongst the best. A legion with a stable gene-seed and a huge influx of Origins and History The Founding " The Thirteenth. 4.7 The Conquest of the Commena Cluster (030.4.2 War for the Revyaen Enclaves (919.On the Day of Revelation, the Eagle Warriors' would reveal the full extent of their inhumanity to the galaxy. Ixiptatlan was a Primarch marked by rumours as a failed son of the Emperor before he would enact the Serpent Lodges, supposed places of warrior equality but tainted with whispers of grisly rituals. Military efficiency is no virtue to the Eagle Warriors, who do everything they can to sate the bloodlust of their Primarch. These first assaults are merely a distraction as they reduce defenses before the final blow is struck in the form of a rapid strike of jetbikes, fast vehicles, and beasts of war. Blood and sacrifice are the twin desires of the XIII th, as they throw costly armoured assaults at their enemies. My candle of light shall lead the way for the others, the few still loyal to the God-Emperor Himself." - Takar, 'The Reborn', first of the Aztekis circle, foremost amongst the surviving loyalists of the doomed Eagle Warriorsĭamned above all other Legions, the history of the Eagle Warriors is a dark chapter among the famed Legiones Astartes.

I died in the arms of a shadow, and now only my light shall remain. My legion has fallen, and I have slowly died. I come from a broken legion, I come from a broken man. I tried to kill my primarch, I tried to break my herritage. I tried to fight the evil, tried to save a few. I saw the darkness inside, the hell in my brothers. I looked into darkness' eye, I looked into the maws of hell. I was there when the god fell, I was there when the primarch broke.